Urban Seed Farewell Speech (by Samara for Marcus)

Thank you to Samara for her speech at our ‘end of an era’ joint farewell night from Urban Seed.  It was a mix between acknowledging history, saying thanks, stand up / sight gag comedy and public therapy for me (ie. “You really need to learn how to let things go Marcus!”) It was also a rather effective way of ensuring I didn’t leave the building without taking my meaningful and much under appreciated junk with me.  Ironically my own response was also about holding things…(unplanned Holy Spirit moment).  The speech that narrates this great drawing is below…

Samara’s speech for Marcus

I’ve been asked to speak for 5 minutes in summary and appreciation of the 12 years you have been hanging out in this place.  This is a bit daunting.  Let me say that we have been amazed by your gift of inviting people to be involved, and we have been astounded by everything you have managed to hold here during your time at Urban Seed.

So, in demonstration…

1. Pillow (Spriggsy) – a pillow.  You were here when the first resis moved in, and you’ve been here ever since, talking discipleship late into the night and then crashing out on levels 5, 7, 8 and 9, plus Seedy Manse in Footscray, Seedy Manor in Norlane and Seedy Dave’s house in Long Gully.  And falling asleep in meetings, mid-sentence.

2. Map (Gregg) – a map of the city.  City walks, 5 hour city walks, going all over to find out what the spirit of God was saying to us, inspiring the Gospel of Vic, then bringing everyone along to see for themselves

3. Clown nose (Sarah) – then the schools came on board. 12,000 students a year, who mostly learn some good stuff about homelessness, inclusion and stereotypes, and provide us with some classic comments…like, “Are you a clown?”  Alternatively, “Are you a communist?”

4. Cornish pastie (Simon) – A Cornish pastie. This Cornishman invites us all to recognise and rediscover our heritage, history and identity as newcomers to this land.  None of us will ever recover from the fact that Cornwall wasn’t included in the Commonwealth Games under their own flag, but we can still enjoy Cornish pasties, even the hybrids that come with curry flavouring

5. Alt worship cloth (Christop) – Some fabric and some stones. After you met Mark Pierson, the alternative worship thing got way out of control.  It’s lucky that the Den had storage space to spare for fabric, candles, sand, black plastic, crayons, mirrors, lipstick, spraypaint, plinths and coffins.

6. Cricket ball (Phil) – a laneway cricket ball.  Carefully modified to comply with OHS regulations in the city, this represents the morphing of cricket into a game for everyone yet again.  Plus, you got to use a megaphone.

7. Whiteboard (Kate) – So, what’s next?  Well, planning for the future generally involves a whiteboard.  Generally with circles and arrows, and Marcus font.  After all, “We’re as clear we we’ve ever been!”

8. Leviathan (Jeff, Gin, Rachel) – So, there are your plans, and then there’s what God has planned.  Which may be unexpected.  (Roaring!!  Maybe hold up leviathan at the back!)  So, you’re gonna need these…

9. Milkcrate, bible, oil, jug of water, rings, bag of dirt (Tim J, Simon H, Tomsy, Kaz?, Kylie/Cookie, Lace) – I believe you already have a songbook for singing and a bowl for eating, but you’ll need a milkcrate for ranting, a bible for teaching, some oil for praying, some water for baptising, some rings for marrying and some dirt for burying.

10. Seeds (Talitha) – And, some seeds. Seeds they grow, and seeds they die.  And if they die, they bring forth much fruit.

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